What is Harmonie Therapy ?
Harmonie Therapy
is holistic integration of body mind work, which uses; the techniques of RADIESTHESIA to enquire and derive the persons state of being and how this may promote physical well being and good health or cause disease, illness or imbalance. It does not focus on the physical manifestations of disease or unwellness.Harmonie therapy then proceeds to suggest complementary medicine and or wellness therapy to facilitate healing & wellness in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the person; enabling the individual to return to a state of harmony and balance within and with respect to his environment. The complementary medicine supports the self healing powers of the body during an illness, acting as a specific stimulus treatment
What takes palce at Harmonie therapy session or consultancy ?
A harmony therapy session can be divided into two phases .
In the first phase the therapist will enquire and derive the persons state of being and how this may promote physical well being and good health or cause disease, illness or imbalance.
In the second phase remedial measures are suggested.
Singly or in a combination -Life coaching ,An Iching Reading,Vaastu/Feng sui correctional measures,Divination will help reduce the Imbalance in the Mental,Spiritual and the Emotional health aspects of the person..
With regards to the Physical heath aspect ,Medical dowsing enables the therapist to determine tha actual cause of unease.The therapist then suggests complementary medicine and wellness therapy which will include one or more of these in combination-Crystal/gemstone healing,Homeopathy,Music Therapy,Aromatheraphy,Flower Bach Remedies,Sujok,Accupreasure,Reiki and Chakra healing.
Creating Good Health and Wellness
Dear Visitor,
If you feel that you are in ill health or feel unwellness or you have a question to be answered,as a start get in touch with the therapists and send them a short email with your name and query/ illness or unwellness you are experiencing without any obligation from your side.The therapist will get back to you at the earliest informing you whether the foundation can suggest/advise help you.If the response from the therapist is positive you could start a converstion or correspondence with the therapist.This will be your first step towards Good health and Wellness. Do Read the FAQ & Disclaimer page.
Wishing you a life of Greater fulfilment and purpose.